Just a quick question for a quick response.....Please send the first thing that comes to your mind.
What makes you want to be a member of the Storm Mountain Chapter?
Here was my response:
"It is something that my wife and I enjoy doing together and this group can help facilitate it".
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Storm Mountain Chapter Updates ~ 4 May 2011
From Ted Cromer, Storm Moutain Chapter Director,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello everyone,
Are you ready for some Dutch oven activities? We sure are as the leaders of the Storm Mountain chapter. The last Month or so we’ve been working on what we can do and how often we should try to do something. We thought that as a Chapter we should try to do something every month if we could. We realize folks are busy and everyone won’t make it to everything, but we hope you try to make a few of them. I think if things are going on and as people get involved it should help us as a Chapter to grow and enjoy some “Good Food Good Friends and Good Fun”. We realize that this is a big jump and might be stretching a bit, but I think we are up for it. So here we go…
In May we will participate in Roger B’s DOG
Date: May 21, 2011
Place: Hatch Park in North Salt Lake 50 West Center Street
Cook Time: 9:00
Eat Time: Probably around noon
In June Randy Brown will host a “Chuckwagon DOG”
Date: June 18, 2011
Place: 1940 Gander Lane SLC UT
Time: Start to cook at 9:30AM
Chow Time: 12:30PM
In July we will join Colleen Sloan and gang at The General Army Navy Store
Date: July 9, 2011
Place: 4974 S. Redwood Road SLC, UT.
Cook Time: 10:00
Eat Time: 1:00-2:00 or so
That will get us going. We have ideas for the rest of the year that we will get you information on so that you can get them on your calendars.
Here is some information about the DOGs. One or two of us will always bring a propane stove so that you can start you charcoal with, also someone will bring 5-10 gallons of water if you need it. We will have a donation jar if you would like to help with plates, utensils, etc.. Bring your own charcoal. DOGs will always be family friendly, bring your children and/or your Grandchildren. We really like the idea of using name tags. So we will be working on that even if it is just a sticker so that we all can get to know each other better. Remember you don’t need to cook anything fancy, simple is GOOD especially in a Dutch Oven. And please feel free to bring a salad or anything else to contribute to the potluck. Some of the DOGs will have themes. Follow if you want or cook anything you want. We are just trying to change it up a little and get some more folks out.
Some of you have asked if you could help out, and we will be calling you to see if you would like to help out or host one of the DOGs. If you would like to host one, let us know. We’ve talked or emailed with a few of you and we would like to hear from more of you and find out what you think about the Chapter and hear some ideas that you have to help us make a successful Chapter. If you have Facebook accounts or Blogs please feel free to promote the Chapter and its events. Spread the word to all your friends that would have fun joining us. If you have phone numbers for some of the past members or others in the Dutch Oven community give them a call and tell them to come visit us.
If you haven’t reregistered on the Storm Mountain page please go register at http://www.idos.org/stormmountain/chapter_sign_up.htm
Ted Cromer ~ Director
Rick Berry ~ Assistant Director
Brenda Atkinson ~ Secretary / Treasurer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello everyone,
Are you ready for some Dutch oven activities? We sure are as the leaders of the Storm Mountain chapter. The last Month or so we’ve been working on what we can do and how often we should try to do something. We thought that as a Chapter we should try to do something every month if we could. We realize folks are busy and everyone won’t make it to everything, but we hope you try to make a few of them. I think if things are going on and as people get involved it should help us as a Chapter to grow and enjoy some “Good Food Good Friends and Good Fun”. We realize that this is a big jump and might be stretching a bit, but I think we are up for it. So here we go…
In May we will participate in Roger B’s DOG
Date: May 21, 2011
Place: Hatch Park in North Salt Lake 50 West Center Street
Cook Time: 9:00
Eat Time: Probably around noon
In June Randy Brown will host a “Chuckwagon DOG”
Date: June 18, 2011
Place: 1940 Gander Lane SLC UT
Time: Start to cook at 9:30AM
Chow Time: 12:30PM
In July we will join Colleen Sloan and gang at The General Army Navy Store
Date: July 9, 2011
Place: 4974 S. Redwood Road SLC, UT.
Cook Time: 10:00
Eat Time: 1:00-2:00 or so
That will get us going. We have ideas for the rest of the year that we will get you information on so that you can get them on your calendars.
Here is some information about the DOGs. One or two of us will always bring a propane stove so that you can start you charcoal with, also someone will bring 5-10 gallons of water if you need it. We will have a donation jar if you would like to help with plates, utensils, etc.. Bring your own charcoal. DOGs will always be family friendly, bring your children and/or your Grandchildren. We really like the idea of using name tags. So we will be working on that even if it is just a sticker so that we all can get to know each other better. Remember you don’t need to cook anything fancy, simple is GOOD especially in a Dutch Oven. And please feel free to bring a salad or anything else to contribute to the potluck. Some of the DOGs will have themes. Follow if you want or cook anything you want. We are just trying to change it up a little and get some more folks out.
Some of you have asked if you could help out, and we will be calling you to see if you would like to help out or host one of the DOGs. If you would like to host one, let us know. We’ve talked or emailed with a few of you and we would like to hear from more of you and find out what you think about the Chapter and hear some ideas that you have to help us make a successful Chapter. If you have Facebook accounts or Blogs please feel free to promote the Chapter and its events. Spread the word to all your friends that would have fun joining us. If you have phone numbers for some of the past members or others in the Dutch Oven community give them a call and tell them to come visit us.
If you haven’t reregistered on the Storm Mountain page please go register at http://www.idos.org/stormmountain/chapter_sign_up.htm
Ted Cromer ~ Director
Rick Berry ~ Assistant Director
Brenda Atkinson ~ Secretary / Treasurer
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Forwarding this information on as a reminder. Feel free to forward to others that might be interested in belonging to the Storm Mountain Chapter of IDOS.
Here is a link to register with Storm Mountain Chapter:
Here is a list of those that have already signed up:
This list will only be used by Storm Mountain to send Chapter members updates on events and Chapter related information.
While I'm at it...
On the Storm Mountain Chapter website is a link to a "local" calendar of events. I will try to keep this calendar up to date with any cook-offs, DOGs, and Demos in the area. I consider the area to include all of Northern Utah and South Idaho. If you have any events you want added to this calendar, please let me know. Cook-Offs and DOGs should be added to the IDOS Forums. Demos and classes can be added to the forums or I can link to your Facebook event page, etc. Just let me know.
As for upcoming events, here is a quick list for the rest of April and May:
I missed Colleen's Demo last night at GANS. I should have sent out this email on Sunday.
23 April ~ Vanessa Johnson has a demo / class in Burley
23 April ~ Ace Hardware DOG event in Orem Utah
7 May ~ Ace Hardware DOG event in Burley
14 May ~ Meals-on-Wheels in Burley
21 May ~ Roger B DOG in North Salt Lake
24 May ~ Colleen's Demo at GANS in SLC
That's all I know of for April and May. I'll do my best to send an update every month to keep everyone up-to-date.
Forwarding this information on as a reminder. Feel free to forward to others that might be interested in belonging to the Storm Mountain Chapter of IDOS.
Here is a link to register with Storm Mountain Chapter:
Here is a list of those that have already signed up:
This list will only be used by Storm Mountain to send Chapter members updates on events and Chapter related information.
While I'm at it...
On the Storm Mountain Chapter website is a link to a "local" calendar of events. I will try to keep this calendar up to date with any cook-offs, DOGs, and Demos in the area. I consider the area to include all of Northern Utah and South Idaho. If you have any events you want added to this calendar, please let me know. Cook-Offs and DOGs should be added to the IDOS Forums. Demos and classes can be added to the forums or I can link to your Facebook event page, etc. Just let me know.
As for upcoming events, here is a quick list for the rest of April and May:
I missed Colleen's Demo last night at GANS. I should have sent out this email on Sunday.
23 April ~ Vanessa Johnson has a demo / class in Burley
23 April ~ Ace Hardware DOG event in Orem Utah
7 May ~ Ace Hardware DOG event in Burley
14 May ~ Meals-on-Wheels in Burley
21 May ~ Roger B DOG in North Salt Lake
24 May ~ Colleen's Demo at GANS in SLC
That's all I know of for April and May. I'll do my best to send an update every month to keep everyone up-to-date.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Storm Mountain Chapter updates to contact information
As many of you know, the Storm Mountain Chapter has been somewhat less active in regards to communication over the last year or two. New officers were elected at the annual chapter meeting a couple of weeks ago and I really think the new officers are going to make a big difference.
With that said, I have created a form on the Storm Mountain Chapter website for contact information. I ask that each of you that is interested in being a member of Storm Mountain or for those that would like to be included with any chapter emails to complete this online form.
Here is a link to the Storm Mountain Chapter Members form. This form will ask for your last name, first name, street address, city, state, zip, preferred email, and preferred phone. This information will only be used by the officers of Storm Mountain to contact the members of Storm Mountain.
Here is a link to a list of Storm Mountain Chapter members. This list will start to populate as soon as the chapter members start completing the form. This list will only show last name, first name, city and state.
If you have any questions, or comments, feel free to contact Ranes at ranescarter@gmail.com.
Many thanks,
As many of you know, the Storm Mountain Chapter has been somewhat less active in regards to communication over the last year or two. New officers were elected at the annual chapter meeting a couple of weeks ago and I really think the new officers are going to make a big difference.
With that said, I have created a form on the Storm Mountain Chapter website for contact information. I ask that each of you that is interested in being a member of Storm Mountain or for those that would like to be included with any chapter emails to complete this online form.
Here is a link to the Storm Mountain Chapter Members form. This form will ask for your last name, first name, street address, city, state, zip, preferred email, and preferred phone. This information will only be used by the officers of Storm Mountain to contact the members of Storm Mountain.
Here is a link to a list of Storm Mountain Chapter members. This list will start to populate as soon as the chapter members start completing the form. This list will only show last name, first name, city and state.
If you have any questions, or comments, feel free to contact Ranes at ranescarter@gmail.com.
Many thanks,
Email sent by Ted Cromer on 11 April 2011
To all Storm Mountain members:
My name is Ted Cromer I am the new Storm Mountain Chapter Director. I know some of you, and I hope to be able to get to know more of you while we all get involved with the Storm Mountain Dutch Oven Chapter. The Assistant Director is Rick Berry, and his wife Vicky is the Treasurer, a lot of you know them and have seen them working and cooking. Our Secretary is Brenda Atkinson, her and her husband Del have hosted DOGs at their home in previous years. We all look forward to lots of Good Food, Good Friends, and Good Fun!
We would like to get all of your ideas on how we can grow the chapter and also the kind of events or activities that you would like to see going on, how often, where, or whatever? We have a lot of ideas we would like to see, but we thought it would be best to see what some of your ideas would be first before we let you know ours. Please just respond via email and if you know other members that are not on email. (We know there has to be a ton of those) let them know also.
We realize each one of us have different talents and abilities in Dutch Oven Cooking so we thought it would be fun to try some new things, and or learn some new things about it. We know a lot of us just sit in the background and don’t say much. So if you could let us know your thoughts that would be great? We will try and keep regular things going on. We know it is hard to schedule the perfect time because we are all busy, but we will give it a try. If you have a place or an idea where we could hold a DOG please let us know.
Here is our contact information:
Ted Cromer 801-694-4862 tgcrom@gmail.com
Rick & Vicky Berry 801-755-7068 1rberry@comcast.net
Brenda Atkinson 801-381-7380 brenda.atkinson1000@gmail.com
We’ll try to send a regular email to all of you to keep you updated. We are working on a calendar now.
We think we can really have some fun with this. Some of you may be saying it’s not like it was in the beginning (Whenever that was for you) we need a lot of you old timers (not necessarily age) helping us out. We have a lot of folks that have cooked in Dutch ovens for a very long time, past world champs and other very knowledgeable cooks in this group, and it would be good to hear how you do things. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone. (We know because we’ve been there too) We also need to get new people involved and learning. All the cooks I know love to share their ideas.
By the way if you are new welcome to the group!
Well this was way too long, time to get Cooking!
Ted, Rick, Vicky, and Brenda
My name is Ted Cromer I am the new Storm Mountain Chapter Director. I know some of you, and I hope to be able to get to know more of you while we all get involved with the Storm Mountain Dutch Oven Chapter. The Assistant Director is Rick Berry, and his wife Vicky is the Treasurer, a lot of you know them and have seen them working and cooking. Our Secretary is Brenda Atkinson, her and her husband Del have hosted DOGs at their home in previous years. We all look forward to lots of Good Food, Good Friends, and Good Fun!
We would like to get all of your ideas on how we can grow the chapter and also the kind of events or activities that you would like to see going on, how often, where, or whatever? We have a lot of ideas we would like to see, but we thought it would be best to see what some of your ideas would be first before we let you know ours. Please just respond via email and if you know other members that are not on email. (We know there has to be a ton of those) let them know also.
We realize each one of us have different talents and abilities in Dutch Oven Cooking so we thought it would be fun to try some new things, and or learn some new things about it. We know a lot of us just sit in the background and don’t say much. So if you could let us know your thoughts that would be great? We will try and keep regular things going on. We know it is hard to schedule the perfect time because we are all busy, but we will give it a try. If you have a place or an idea where we could hold a DOG please let us know.
Here is our contact information:
Ted Cromer 801-694-4862 tgcrom@gmail.com
Rick & Vicky Berry 801-755-7068 1rberry@comcast.net
Brenda Atkinson 801-381-7380 brenda.atkinson1000@gmail.com
We’ll try to send a regular email to all of you to keep you updated. We are working on a calendar now.
We think we can really have some fun with this. Some of you may be saying it’s not like it was in the beginning (Whenever that was for you) we need a lot of you old timers (not necessarily age) helping us out. We have a lot of folks that have cooked in Dutch ovens for a very long time, past world champs and other very knowledgeable cooks in this group, and it would be good to hear how you do things. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone. (We know because we’ve been there too) We also need to get new people involved and learning. All the cooks I know love to share their ideas.
By the way if you are new welcome to the group!
Well this was way too long, time to get Cooking!
Ted, Rick, Vicky, and Brenda
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Email sent 25 April
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It's been a long time since our chapter has had a real Dutch Oven Gathering. Our last "DOG" was at an Asian Buffet, and the DOG before that was during the last chance cook-off. I really want to do more socializing this year and that means more Gatherings!
Our next gathering will be in two weeks and will be a Brunch DOG. Many thanks to Roger B for planning this event and taking care of the details. Here is the important information.
What: A Brunch Dutch Oven Gathering
Date: Saturday, 9 May 2009
Time: Cooking at 9:30, Brunch is at 11:00
Where: 2350 North 2200 West, SLC (map)
Who: Anyone and everyone, from novice to World Champion IDOS Presidents
Why: Because it's about time we all got together to have some Good Food with some Good Friends and have some Good Fun!
I'm claiming the Camp Chef DOG event as a Chapter DOG event, too. I know there will be some of you cooking at Eagle Mountain and at Thanksgiving Point and I wish you the best of luck.
What: Camp Chef DOG
Date: Saturday, 6 June 2009
Time: Come early to cook and socialize, Lunch is at noon
Where: 675 North 600 West, Logan, UT (Map)
Why: Because Camp Chef is awesome and you get to tour the warehouse.
Colleen Sloan has invited us to join her for her Parking Lot Demo / DOG event again this year. I thought it was a great event last year and I'm looking forward to sitting around the coals with Colleen and her possee. Those are some great folks!
What: Parking Lot or Tailgate Party DOG with Colleen Sloan
Date: Saturday, 18 July 2009
Time: There is no set 'meal' time. The Demo is open to the public from 10:00 to 2:00, so show up when you want.
Where: General Army Navy, 4974 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City (Map)
Why: Because Colleen is the Dutch Oven Diva and I like her company.
I don't mind having more gatherings than this... just let me know when and where and I'll send out the invites. I really want to have a gathering out east and invite those from Price, Duchesne County, Vernal, and Tabiona. I hear that's some pretty country. If you want to host an event, just let me know when and where.
See ya in two weeks!
It's been a long time since our chapter has had a real Dutch Oven Gathering. Our last "DOG" was at an Asian Buffet, and the DOG before that was during the last chance cook-off. I really want to do more socializing this year and that means more Gatherings!
Our next gathering will be in two weeks and will be a Brunch DOG. Many thanks to Roger B for planning this event and taking care of the details. Here is the important information.
What: A Brunch Dutch Oven Gathering
Date: Saturday, 9 May 2009
Time: Cooking at 9:30, Brunch is at 11:00
Where: 2350 North 2200 West, SLC (map)
Who: Anyone and everyone, from novice to World Champion IDOS Presidents
Why: Because it's about time we all got together to have some Good Food with some Good Friends and have some Good Fun!
I'm claiming the Camp Chef DOG event as a Chapter DOG event, too. I know there will be some of you cooking at Eagle Mountain and at Thanksgiving Point and I wish you the best of luck.
What: Camp Chef DOG
Date: Saturday, 6 June 2009
Time: Come early to cook and socialize, Lunch is at noon
Where: 675 North 600 West, Logan, UT (Map)
Why: Because Camp Chef is awesome and you get to tour the warehouse.
Colleen Sloan has invited us to join her for her Parking Lot Demo / DOG event again this year. I thought it was a great event last year and I'm looking forward to sitting around the coals with Colleen and her possee. Those are some great folks!
What: Parking Lot or Tailgate Party DOG with Colleen Sloan
Date: Saturday, 18 July 2009
Time: There is no set 'meal' time. The Demo is open to the public from 10:00 to 2:00, so show up when you want.
Where: General Army Navy, 4974 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City (Map)
Why: Because Colleen is the Dutch Oven Diva and I like her company.
I don't mind having more gatherings than this... just let me know when and where and I'll send out the invites. I really want to have a gathering out east and invite those from Price, Duchesne County, Vernal, and Tabiona. I hear that's some pretty country. If you want to host an event, just let me know when and where.
See ya in two weeks!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Last Chance Cook-Off 2008
WOW! What a great day!
Me and my boys got to the Sportsman's Warehouse in Midvale right around 9:00am this morning. There were three teams in the process of setting up with the other two teams showing up shortly after. All five teams were set up and ready to go by 9:30. It was obvious that all of these cooks have competed before and were ready for a friendly battle. And what a battle it was.
We all had a quick Cooks Meeting at 9:45. Having five teams that have cooked many times before makes hosting a cook-off so much easier. Basically, I told them where to get water, where the dishes needed to go for judging, and the location of the restrooms. 15 seconds later, we were done. Cooking started at 9:50.

The first couple of hours were a little chilly. Setting up on the west side of the building provided everyone with cold shade. A couple of people walked the 20 feet in front of the cooking area to stand in the parking lot and warm sun. Bakin Bill was nice enough to serve everyone some of his bean and ham soup and I heated up my Jambalaya to warm everyone up. Around noon, the sun peaked around the corner of the building and soon we were all bathed in glorious sunshine. It was great to have the sun warming my bones. The coats and sweaters started coming off as the teams worked in their last hour. I think it was great weather for a cook-off this time of year.

Through out the day, there were many customers that couldn't help but notice us cooking outside and stopped by to see what we were doing. As always, Jack Wallace did an amazing job of communicating his love of Dutch Oven cooking and offered details on IDOS and the chapters in this area. Jack has his book of pictures that really does a great job of detailing the process of preparing some wonderful dishes. I think Jack was able to sign a few people up today. I do hope that our little cook-off helped influence some sales for Sportsman's Warehouse today as well.
Just before 2:00, everyone pitched in and helped everyone take their dishes to the receiving area in the back of the store for judging. DeeAnn Johnson had already set up all the tables and had plates and utensils waiting for the food and the judges. DeeAnn is one amazing lady! I don't remember exactly who judged each category. Eight of the food judges were chapter members that have either been to World's or have qualified for the 2009 WCCO. The ninth judge was one of the department managers from Sportsman's Warehouse. I was going to be the ninth judge, but I really wanted a representative of Sportsman's Warehouse to get a chance to judge these amazing dishes. He was thrown in at the last minute and did an awesome job!
It took the judges about thirty minutes to go through the five dishes per category. There were some amazing dishes on those tables. After judging their category, the judges sort of mingled around stealing little bits from the other categories. Most just couldn't wait until the DOG event at three. The food was so tempting and the entire store had the great aroma of Dutch Oven cooking. I bet everyone in the store could smell that great food. I wonder if the sales associates had a hard time helping customers due to their mouths watering?

At three o'clock, everyone grabbed a seat in order to hear the list of winners. Jon Larson and Sportsman's Warehouse were very generous with the prizes for all five teams. Debbie and Michael Hair took first place. They had the highest scoring dessert and tied for highest scoring bread. Jason Jensen and Phil Newman came in a close second and had the highest scoring main dish. Their main dish had a higher score than all the other dishes. Carol Hokanson came in third and tied for the highest scoring bread. Erik Hanson and John Buxton came in fourth. Ted and Connie Cromer came in fifth. Every team walked away with a gift card from Sportsman's Warehouse. The fourth and fifth place teams received a hand made rolling pin from the Legendary Terry Lewis. The good folks at Sportsman's Warehouse got to taste the dishes and awarded Carol Hokanson's dessert as their People's Choice award.
James Knowles and his family spent most of the day with us. James is new to Dutch Oven cooking and was fascinated with the talent and presented dishes from the teams today. He prepared a corn bread and a curry dish for the DOG event. His curry dish was a great addition to the dishes presented by the teams.
I really like a cook-off like today. With some cook-offs, it seems most teams are really tired from cooking all day and are ready to go home after such a long day. Today, there were a few people that had to leave early because of obligations, but it seemed some of them wanted to stay and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Many people sat around talking long after they were done eating. Most teams left their dishes out for everyone to enjoy for a while. I think I finally started cleaning a little after four. Even then, I kept running into others from the event either in the store shopping or outside chatting with others. It's really great to have such a social gathering surrounding a cook-off. We have a great chapter full of great people!

Thanks to all the teams for giving it your best today. Thanks to all the judges for being willing to help your fellow chapter members. Thanks to Terry for the rolling pins. And many thanks to Jon Larson and all the great people at Sportsman's Warehouse for making us feel right at home.
Here are a few links for your viewing pleasure.
Cook-Off on the chapter site
Pictures from the cook-off
For all those chapter members that couldn't make it today... you sure missed out on a great event!
Until next time....
Me and my boys got to the Sportsman's Warehouse in Midvale right around 9:00am this morning. There were three teams in the process of setting up with the other two teams showing up shortly after. All five teams were set up and ready to go by 9:30. It was obvious that all of these cooks have competed before and were ready for a friendly battle. And what a battle it was.
We all had a quick Cooks Meeting at 9:45. Having five teams that have cooked many times before makes hosting a cook-off so much easier. Basically, I told them where to get water, where the dishes needed to go for judging, and the location of the restrooms. 15 seconds later, we were done. Cooking started at 9:50.

The first couple of hours were a little chilly. Setting up on the west side of the building provided everyone with cold shade. A couple of people walked the 20 feet in front of the cooking area to stand in the parking lot and warm sun. Bakin Bill was nice enough to serve everyone some of his bean and ham soup and I heated up my Jambalaya to warm everyone up. Around noon, the sun peaked around the corner of the building and soon we were all bathed in glorious sunshine. It was great to have the sun warming my bones. The coats and sweaters started coming off as the teams worked in their last hour. I think it was great weather for a cook-off this time of year.

Through out the day, there were many customers that couldn't help but notice us cooking outside and stopped by to see what we were doing. As always, Jack Wallace did an amazing job of communicating his love of Dutch Oven cooking and offered details on IDOS and the chapters in this area. Jack has his book of pictures that really does a great job of detailing the process of preparing some wonderful dishes. I think Jack was able to sign a few people up today. I do hope that our little cook-off helped influence some sales for Sportsman's Warehouse today as well.
Just before 2:00, everyone pitched in and helped everyone take their dishes to the receiving area in the back of the store for judging. DeeAnn Johnson had already set up all the tables and had plates and utensils waiting for the food and the judges. DeeAnn is one amazing lady! I don't remember exactly who judged each category. Eight of the food judges were chapter members that have either been to World's or have qualified for the 2009 WCCO. The ninth judge was one of the department managers from Sportsman's Warehouse. I was going to be the ninth judge, but I really wanted a representative of Sportsman's Warehouse to get a chance to judge these amazing dishes. He was thrown in at the last minute and did an awesome job!
It took the judges about thirty minutes to go through the five dishes per category. There were some amazing dishes on those tables. After judging their category, the judges sort of mingled around stealing little bits from the other categories. Most just couldn't wait until the DOG event at three. The food was so tempting and the entire store had the great aroma of Dutch Oven cooking. I bet everyone in the store could smell that great food. I wonder if the sales associates had a hard time helping customers due to their mouths watering?

At three o'clock, everyone grabbed a seat in order to hear the list of winners. Jon Larson and Sportsman's Warehouse were very generous with the prizes for all five teams. Debbie and Michael Hair took first place. They had the highest scoring dessert and tied for highest scoring bread. Jason Jensen and Phil Newman came in a close second and had the highest scoring main dish. Their main dish had a higher score than all the other dishes. Carol Hokanson came in third and tied for the highest scoring bread. Erik Hanson and John Buxton came in fourth. Ted and Connie Cromer came in fifth. Every team walked away with a gift card from Sportsman's Warehouse. The fourth and fifth place teams received a hand made rolling pin from the Legendary Terry Lewis. The good folks at Sportsman's Warehouse got to taste the dishes and awarded Carol Hokanson's dessert as their People's Choice award.
James Knowles and his family spent most of the day with us. James is new to Dutch Oven cooking and was fascinated with the talent and presented dishes from the teams today. He prepared a corn bread and a curry dish for the DOG event. His curry dish was a great addition to the dishes presented by the teams.
I really like a cook-off like today. With some cook-offs, it seems most teams are really tired from cooking all day and are ready to go home after such a long day. Today, there were a few people that had to leave early because of obligations, but it seemed some of them wanted to stay and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Many people sat around talking long after they were done eating. Most teams left their dishes out for everyone to enjoy for a while. I think I finally started cleaning a little after four. Even then, I kept running into others from the event either in the store shopping or outside chatting with others. It's really great to have such a social gathering surrounding a cook-off. We have a great chapter full of great people!

Thanks to all the teams for giving it your best today. Thanks to all the judges for being willing to help your fellow chapter members. Thanks to Terry for the rolling pins. And many thanks to Jon Larson and all the great people at Sportsman's Warehouse for making us feel right at home.
Here are a few links for your viewing pleasure.
Cook-Off on the chapter site
Pictures from the cook-off
For all those chapter members that couldn't make it today... you sure missed out on a great event!
Until next time....
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